Friday, 31 May 2013

BBC have made some changes to Red Button on Freeview yesterday

Things have changed on the terrestrial BBC Red Button service.
There will now be HD content on 303, some name changes, a bit of shuffling around and an extra channel..

Go to channel 302. if you see a message that says "If you can see this message on 302, then you need to re-tune " Well it's pretty obvious what you need to do eh?

Here is a summary of what has changed:

  • The Red Button channel on '301' is now called BBC RB 301
  • The Red Button channel on 302 has moved to 308 
  • A new Red Button Channel is on 302 called RB 302 
  • The Red Button on 303 is now RB 303 HD

If you have any problems with re tuning then give me a call or email. 

    Friday, 17 May 2013

    Brighton 4G Test Progress

    The 4G trial has been in progress in Brighton for a week now and apparently no significant interference. This is interesting for us in Suffolk as their main transmitter carries a multiplex that transmits on Ch60 just like the Sudbury transmitter does. So, I wont be stock piling 4g filters just yet :-) More at @